Written and Directed by Katie Hileman
You are cordially invited to a dinner party to celebrate one fat woman’s decision to lose weight. Join us for a delicious, five course meal examining diet culture, representation, and what it’s really like to be a fat woman in today’s society. There’s singing. There’s dancing. There’s even cake. Because we all deserve dessert! (In moderation of course!) Remember: nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, right?
"i will eat you alive" was inspired by and written after a series of interviews conducted between fat playwright, Katie Hileman, and a community of self-identified fat women and femmes.
We are fat. We are here. And we will eat you alive.
Towson University, Towson, MD, February 2020
Produced by The Interrobang Theatre Company and Towson Theatre MFA Program
Actors: Becca Glantz, Meghan Taylor, and Betse Lyons
Produced by The Interrobang Theatre Company and Towson Theatre MFA Program
Actors: Becca Glantz, Meghan Taylor, and Betse Lyons
Plans for a Baltimore remount and subsequent 2021 tour were cancelled due to COVID-19.
The show will finally premiere in Baltimore at The Voxel in January 2024.