Adapted from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
Conceived by Betse Lyons and O’Malley Steuerman
Adapted by Aladrian C Wetzel and Elizabeth Ung
Devised by the R/J Ensemble
Directed by Susan Stroupe
June 9-25, 2023
Conceived by Betse Lyons and O’Malley Steuerman
Adapted by Aladrian C Wetzel and Elizabeth Ung
Devised by the R/J Ensemble
Directed by Susan Stroupe
June 9-25, 2023
From Conceiving Artists O'Malley Steuerman and Betse Lyons on R/J :
“With a trans Romeo and a fat Juliet at its center, this newly-devised adaptation of the classic tale by William Shakespeare queers more than just the lovers’ relationship: family structures, violence, love, duty, identity, and even death. In every possible aspect of the production, we are centering trans folks, queer folks, fat folks, women, and people of color - all badass artists local to Baltimore. R/J has been a long time in the making, in so many ways, and we can’t wait to finally share it with you.”
From TheCurvyFashionista.com: "Imagine if you would have grown up with fat or queer or more actors of color or trans actors as role models? Can you imagine how many of us would not feel “othered” by our peers? Can you imagine how much more accepting society could be if we normalized all bodies? This is what we need! More inclusion of marginalized identities and bodies across all media."
Read the full review here: Fat and Queer Representation Done Right! R/J Review